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Friday, July 27, 2018

4 of the Best Back to School Hacks

With the best of summer now firmly in the rearview mirror, it is time for students to look forward to another year in school. In most regions, the approaching fall is marked by the opening of schools and the inception of the academic year.
It may feel like it was only yesterday that you gave your last exam and were anticipating a chock-a-bloc summer season brimming with a vacation and the creation of new memories. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. As students head back to school, we will suggest some tips and tricks for them to follow.

Sleep Pattern

One of the most important back to school hacks for students is to adjust their sleeping cycle in advance. This will serve them well once they begin classes.
Falling back into a routine represents possibly the hardest aspect of returning to school. Gone are the long nights without a care in the world. They are replaced by setting an alarm and trying desperately to fall asleep.
A useful tip for parents is to give their children a helping hand so that they can acclimatize appropriately. They may begin monitoring their kid’s sleeping schedules a week or so before school is scheduled to begin. It should only take a matter of nights before the children are up to speed and ready to rise early for school.
Therefore, adjusting your sleeping pattern is a useful technique that makes the first weeks of school much more facile.

Packing Lunch

Another hack that proves useful for students is to simplify their school lunches. This applies to kids who are accustomed to carrying their lunch from home. Parents can stay ahead of the task by arranging different components ahead of schedule.
Once this is done, they can let their children take over and pack their own lunch. This hack is effective since it enables the children to share responsibility and learn to manage themselves better as well. Additionally, it saves the parent’s time too.

Organizing Attire

The process of deciding what to wear each day can also be streamlined. Selecting what articles and apparel to wear on a daily basis can be tough for some children. This is where parents can step in and keep their kid’s clothes for the next day separately the night before.
This saves time for both parties and the children will not be late if they are still choosing what to wear to school in the morning. If students manage their wardrobe by using this simple tip, they will be much better off as a result.

Promote Healthy Snacks

Yet another hack is to tailor the children’s eating habits to ensure that they consume healthier items. For example, when their children return home from school in the afternoon, parents should feed their kids healthy options, so that they are not tempted to eat less nutritious food.

If snacks are kept separately for kids, they can simply eat what is front and center without having to resort to ordering food from restaurants and consuming unhealthy food in the process.

Friday, July 6, 2018

If They Would Just Do What I'd Say, EveryThing Would Be All Right !

One of the biggest struggles as a parent is letting our children make decisions of their own. This is difficult because we can the see the disasters waiting to devour them around the corner. Sometimes, I wish they would just let me make their decisions for them, and everything would be ok. There is a problem with my wishes as you may already know. There is a couple of reasons why what I want may not be the best approach in my parenting skills category. After all, this blog is about my not so excellent parenting experiences in hopes that you can learn from them.

About six months ago my oldest daughter's car broke down again. This was very frustrating to me because that meant I would have to drive her around. It also meant a possibility of her losing work opportunities and me having to sponsor her living experiences. Luckily, it was close to income tax return time, so I would only have to dip into our own income reserves for a short amount of time. While I was playing chauffeur to my daughter and granddaughter, my husband kept busy internet stalking for the best bargain for the less money for the most car. My daughter kept insisting that she wanted to find her own car when her money came in. But we knew what was best for her, so we made the decisions concerning her next vehicle for her.

We finally found a great looking car. The mileage was great and everything. The car drove out of the seller's yard purring like a kitten. We were all proud of our great find even my daughter. Until it broke down after a couple of weeks. We sunk another 1500 dollars into that car just so it could catch fire while my daughter was driving it on the highway. My daughter faulted us her parents for wasting her money on a horrible car. You think I would have learned my lesson from that, but I didn't.